Friday, March 25, 2011

Follow Friday #38

Happy Follow Friday!
Honestly , I'm not really happy. My Friday isn't going very well.
I'm currently reading seven books and I think I should prioritize which ones to finish first. This is the first time I'm freaking out reading multiple books.
I have also received a few book recommendations from my Goodreads friends. I need to check out those books too. I'll add them in TBR if I liked their review or even the book cover.

Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee where book lovers make new friends and find new blogs. So sign up for Follow Friday on this Link and start following.

This Week's Question:

Inspired by the inane twitter trend of #100FactsAboutMe, give us five book related silly facts about you.

My Answer:
  1. I have a silly habit of giving nicknames to my things and people after some book title or character. I nicknamed my cell phone 'Moby Dick,' for example.
  2. I've never really bought a single book. All the books I've read and reviewed, so far, are borrowed ones. Now I come to think I should go out and buy at least one.
  3. I hate to read a book review beforehand. I don't like to spoil the fun.
  4. I like the smell of old books.
  5. I usually add books in my Wishlist just because I like their book covers, and having no idea if I'll ever read them.


    1. Hi Kero,

      Big Hugs!Don't stress yourself! Reading is supposed to be enjoyable, fun and relaxing!
      Pick out the ones that you need to finish for a group, etc.. and just prioritize it from there.

      You have a beautiful site!

      I hope your day get's much better! Sending you fellow Book Blogger Best Wishes for a Great Day!

      Stop by and see me!

      Kristi-The Book Faery's FF

    2. Hopping through. I'm the opposite. I read as many book reviews as I can before reading a book. Hope your weekend is better than Friday.
      My Hop

    3. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I also add books because of the cover sometimes! New follower.

    4. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I really love the smell of old books too! And when I see a review for a book I really want to read, I skip down to see what kind of rating it got but I usually don't read the whole thing haha. Following your blog now! Have a happy weekend!


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