Saturday, April 23, 2011

Book Blogger Hop (4/22-4/25)

Book Blogger Hop
Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Jennifer (Crazy For Books)It is opportunity for book bloggers to connect with other book lovers, make new friends, support each other, and generally just share our love of books!
The Hop lasts Friday-Monday every week. So sign up and join the hop.

This Week's Question:
If you find a book you love, do you hunt down other books by the same author?

My Answer:
Yes, if I'm reading a series, otherwise usually not. Best example: Harry Potter. I read the seven books one after the other and finished the series in about 3 months-I started the series pretty late, I must add.
I only read books by the same author only if I get too obsessed with him/her. I read a few John Grisham books last year, and I got really crazy about him. So I keep hunting for his other works. There's one other author I've been looking for a few months, Nicholas Sparks. I want to read all of his books!


  1. I'm the same way when I find an author that I'm just nuts about.

  2. Hi,
    Just hopping through this week.
    Have a great weekend!


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