Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Passenger to Frankfurt by Agatha Christie

I'm a huge admirer of Agatha Christie but this book was a bit disappointing. 'Passenger to Frankfurt' is different from Christie's other works.
The book opens with a scene at Frankfurt airport. Stafford Nye, a middle-aged diplomat and rather bored from his Malaya conference, meets a mysterious woman in an airport lounge, on his way back to London. The woman begs Nye to lend her his passport and cloak since her life was in danger. Although Stafford Nye trust the woman very little but he has a taste for adventure. He agrees to help the woman and lets her use his identity. However, his adventure doesn't end here and the pair, quite accidently, meets again and again. To Nye's surprise, the woman appears to have several different identities: Mary Ann, Countess Renata Zerkowski, and Daphne Theodofanous. Nye is dragged along to join the league with the woman in order to combat a rebellion by youth. The rising youth war is led by Young Siegfried who is believed to be the son of Adolf Hitler. Moreover, the person behind this youth movement is a fat old woman, described in the book as a whale, called Big Charlotte.
The mystery opened very well but I personally think it could have been better. Aunt Matilda's speeches long and uninteresting speeches particularly bored me. Anyway, I liked the theme of the novel.

My Rating:

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